Saturday, March 28, 2009

I've been ill the last few days and the illness is working its way through my family. It's painful to see my children ill because I can't take the hurt away. Abbe has been so patient the last few days with my napping around the living room. I've dropped about four pounds mostly because I haven't eaten anything as I've been afraid of what might happen if I did eat anything. Feeling much better today, but not well enough to run. I should have run a four-hour training run as I've got the Salt Lake City Marathon in three weeks. But, alas, I'll do one long run next Saturday and I'll be fine. I've watched a lot of television the last few days and have concluded that there is not much on that is really worthwhile unless you're a doctorate student doing a thesis on Spongebob Squarepants and his influence on the Millenials.

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